alternative-indie rock
Albums scraped2021-11-29T00:33:53.172Z
Last updated2021-12-19T04:07:55.706Z
Released at
20High Places - High Places2007-03
18Freezepop - Future Future Future Perfect2007-09-25
8The Ruby Suns - Sea Lion2007
4Class Actress - Journal of Ardency2009-02-09
19WhoMadeWho - The Plot2009-02
59Dan Deacon - Bromst2009-03-24
11Cass McCombs - Catacombs2009-06-01
2Cobra Starship - Hot Mess2009-07-07
67Noah and the Whale - The First Days Of Spring2009-08-31
82Delphic - Acolyte2010-01-11
96Woodpigeon - Die Stadt Muzikanten2010-01-12
53First Aid Kit - The Big Black and the Blue2010-01-25
91The Go Find - Everybody Knows It's Gonna Happen Only Not Tonight2010-02-05
36The Ruby Suns - Fight Softly2010-03-01
92Broken Bells - Broken Bells2010-03-05
72The Morning Benders - Big Echo2010-03-08
12Dr. Dog - Shame, Shame2010-04-02
16Blue Hawaii - Blooming Summer2010-05-15
14!!! - Strange Weather, Isn't It?2010-06-23
47Azure Ray - Drawing Down the Moon2010-09-14
5Fenech-Soler - Fenech-Soler2010-09-27
7Houses - All Night2010-10-19
68Avey Tare - Down There2010-10-26
78Freezepop - Imaginary Friends2010-12-07
23Those Dancing Days - Daydreams & Nightmares2011-01-01
51Starfucker - Reptilians2011-03-07
75The Dø - Both Ways Open Jaws2011-03-07
93Wye Oak - Civilian2011-03-07
62Cold Cave - Cherish The Light Years2011-04-04
22When Saints Go Machine - Konkylie2011-05
85Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Unknown Mortal Orchestra2011-06-17
57Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs - Trouble2011-07-04
43The Rapture - In the Grace of Your Love2011-08-26
39Mates of State - Mountaintops2011-09-13
64Boom Bip - Zig Zaj2011-09-26
95Gem Club - Breakers2011-09-27
84Erasure - Tomorrow's World2011-09-30
65Casiokids - Aabenbaringen over aaskammen2011-10-14
58Body Language - Social Studies2011-10-18
97Canyons - Keep Your Dreams2011-10-28
32Korallreven - An Album By Korallreven2011-11-15
38Poliça - Give You The Ghost2011-12-20
29Caveman - CoCo Beware2011
99Chairlift - Something2012-01-23
86The 2 Bears - Be Strong2012-01-30
37Die Antwoord - Ten$ion2012-01-31
25Islands - A Sleep & A Forgetting2012-02-14
74Mouse on Mars - Parastrophics2012-02-24
30Geographer - Myth2012-02-25
21Alex Winston - King Con2012-03-05
88Daniel Rossen - Silent Hour/Golden Mile2012-03-19
100Best Coast - The Only Place2012-03-26
13Clark - Iradelphic2012-04-02
1Neon Trees - Picture Show2012-04-17
28Light Asylum - Light Asylum2012-05-01
24Zulu Winter - Language2012-05-14
50Violens - True2012-05-15
34Lemonade - Diver2012-05-29
49The Hundred in the Hands - Red Night2012-06-12
26Beat Connection - The Palace Garden2012-06-19
52White Arrows - Dry Land Is Not A Myth2012-06-19
87Grasscut - Unearth2012-06
6Poolside - Pacific Standard Time2012-07-09
42Twin Shadow - Confess2012-07-09
69Micachu & The Shapes - Never2012-07-23
61Azure Ray - As Above So Below2012-09-04
90Deptford Goth - Life After Defo2012-09-04
35Chris Cohen - Overgrown Path2012-09-25
40Lavender Diamond - Incorruptible Heart2012-09-25
54Clinic - Free Reign2012-11-12
76The Ruby Suns - Christopher2013-01-25
27Darkstar - News From Nowhere2013-02-04
45Frankie Rose - Herein Wild2013-02-20
46Gold Fields - Black Sun2013-02-26
10Boogarins - As Plantas Que Curam2013-03-15
56!!! - THR!!!ER2013-04-24
77Beaches - She Beats2013-04
71Bibio - Silver Wilkinson2013-05-02
79Dungeonesse - Dungeonesse2013-05-13
55When Saints Go Machine - Infinity Pool2013-05-20
41Mount Kimbie - Cold Spring Fault Less Youth2013-05-27
48Crystal Fighters - Cave Rave2013-05-27
60Big Deal - June Gloom2013-06-03
15Surfer Blood - Pythons2013-06-11
44Tunng - Turbines2013-06-17
94Trentemøller - Lost2013-09-16
63CFCF - Outside2013-10-02
83Daniel Avery - Drone Logic2013-10-07
70Active Child - Rapor2013-10-22
3Son Lux - Lanterns2013-10-28
89Cut Copy - Free Your Mind2013-11-01
98Ceo - Wonderland2014-02-03
33Tensnake - Glow2014-03-07
17Lust for Youth - International2014-06-10
66The Acid - Liminal2014-07-04
31Bleachers - Strange Desire2014-07-15
81Dntel - Human Voice2014-09-23
9Mystery Skulls - Forever2014-10-27
73Jake Xerxes Fussell - What in the Natural World2017-03-31
80Matthew West - All In2017-09-22